Quicken Loans Employees

Quicken Loans Employees Get 50% Discount

MFI-Miami To Help Quicken Loans Employees Facing Foreclosure Steve Dibert of MFI-Miami, LLC is helping Quicken Loans Employees. MFI-Miami is offering Quicken Loans employees a 50% discount toward MFI-Miami’s foreclosure defense services. MFI-Miami has been hired by Quicken Loans senior level executives in the past.  All of these Quicken employees were facing foreclosure on mortgages originated by Quicken Loans. […]

Michigan Judge Michael Haley

Imbecile Michigan Judge Michael Haley Finally Quits

Michigan Judge Michael Haley Finally Throws In The Towel After Growing Tired Of People Questioning His Competence And Ethics Northern Michigan’s favorite wannabe Lionel Hutz turned corrupt judge is retiring. Yes, Michigan Judge Michael Haley is finally retiring. Haley is stepping down due to lawyers and litigants questioning his competence and ethics as a judge. He […]

Mortgage Fraud Kingpin

Convicted Mortgage Fraud Kingpin Attempts Shawshank Style Prison Break

Mortgage Fraud Kingpin Ronnie Duke Quickly Learns He’s No Andy Dufresne Mortgage fraud kingpin Ronnie Duke’s dream of being Andy Dufresne was never meant to be. He was caught trying to break out of prison by chipping away at mortar inside his cinderblock jail cell. Duke tried hiding his progress by stuffing the hole with mixture of wet […]


Indie Newspaper Stands Up To Detroit Demigod Dan Gilbert

Indie Newspaper Metro Times Detroit Asks, “What kind of track record does Quicken Loans & Demigod Dan Gilbert really have in Detroit?  Ryan Felton, Metro Times Detroit On a recent Saturday night, inside the Checker Bar & Grill in downtown Detroit, someone mentions the name of Detroit’s most recognizable billionaire. A thirty-something gentleman sitting nearby, […]

Deadbeat Landlords

Deadbeat Landlords May Force 100,000+ Detroiters To Be Homeless

Detroit Could Have 100,000 More Homeless Strollin The Streets By Christmas 2015 Because Of Deadbeat Landlords 100,000 people could be homeless in Detroit thanks to deadbeat landlords. Nearly 15% of Detroit’s population could lose their properties if they don’t soon pay delinquent taxes according to an analysis by Loveland Technologies. Steve Neavling at the Motor […]

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