Student Loan Debt Crisis

Student Loan Debt Crisis Also Hitting Aging Baby Boomers

The Student Loan Debt Crisis Isn’t Just A Problem For Millennials The student loan debt crisis has hit the baby boom generation. Roughly 4% of Americans between ages 65 to 74 carried federal student loan debt in 2010. This figure is up from 3% in 2004 according to a report by the Governmental Accountability Office […]

student loan

Student Loan Debt Crisis Will Dwarf The Mortgage Crisis

This Is Why MFI-Miami Has Started Investigating Student Loan Debt In 2010, the New York Times ran a story about an Austrian guy who broke off his engagement with his American fiancee because of her $170,000 student loan debt. Americans expressed their “OMG! That’s horrible!” on social media. Americans then shrugged their shoulders and went back […]

Struggling Homeowners Are Shouldering The Responsibility Of U.S. Deficit

No Fannie/Freddie Mortgage Write-Downs For Struggling Homeowners Means More Cash For Uncle Sam   Since the housing crisis began in 2007, the major banks and the major servicers have paid nearly $130 Billion in fines and court settlements to settle mortgage fraud issues with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These settlements have brought Fannie Mae […]

Economic Genocide

Sorry Max Keiser But The 2nd Housing Crisis Isn’t Coming. It’s Already HERE!

The 2nd Housing Crisis Is The Fault Of Wall Street And The American Judicial System   The 2nd housing crisis is here. ML-Implode Founder Aaron Krowne was on Max Keiser’s financial show discussing the second wave of foreclosures that are predicted to hit the housing market. Yet, the coming apocalypse they are predicting is already […]


Want To Stop Your Foreclosure?

You Stop Your Foreclosure By Acting Like Michael Corleone Not Joan Crawford If you want to stop your foreclosure you need to let go of all emotion. It’s harsh but it is exactly what I tell my potential clients. I tell them I don’t care if it’s where you raised their kids or if Fluffy […]

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