
JPMorgan Chase To Honor MLK Dream. NOT!

JPMorgan Chase Refuses To Give 78 Year Old Hero A $9000 Principal Write Down JPMorgan Chase, like their competitors, has been attempting to improve their public image with an American public who blames them for the recession.   In order to show their commitment to some of the hardest hit segments of economy, JPmorgan Chase […]

Michigan Court of Appeals Lectures JPMorgan Chase

Michigan Court of Appeals Rules JPMorgan Chase Loans Acquired From The FDIC Must Be Recorded. The Michigan Court of Appeals handed down a second ruling about the chain of ownership regarding mortgages and notes. This ruling takes Davenport v. HSBC to the next level. The Justices called for a strict interpretation of a Michigan law. […]

foreclosure fraud operation

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Detroit Law Firm With Ties To MI GOP

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Multi-state Foreclosure Mill Orlans Associates. Linda Orlans Has Strong Ties To The MI GOP Several months ago, the major banks sounded the all-clear signal regarding robo-signing in non-judicial foreclosure states, namely Michigan and Massachusetts.  It appears those claims of non-exist robo-signing were either greatly exaggerated or were overly optimistic. MFi-Miami […]

Orlans Attorneys

It’s Official: MFI-Miami Files Bar Complaints Against Orlans Attorneys

MFI-Miami Files Bar Complaints Against Three Orlans Attorneys Two weeks ago, I announced I was filing bar complaints or as they are technically known in Michigan as, “A Request For Investigation” against Orlans attorneys, Marshall R. Isaacs, Linda Orlans and Timothy Myers of the law firm of Orlans Associates with the Attorney Grievance Commission of the […]

Foreclosure Fraud

MFI-Miami’s Multi-state Foreclosure Fraud Investigation Is Getting Attention

Multi-state Foreclosure Fraud Investigation By MFI-Miami Is Getting Media Attention MFI-Miami has been getting a lot of attention the past few days about the post-foreclosure fraud investigation I’m launching in 6 states. Channel 6 in Orlando is doing a feature on one of my clients.  I have also done interviews with major newspapers and banking industry publications. MFI-Miami also […]

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