Conspiracy Theorists

Conspiracy Theorists Like Alex Jones Are Wrong About The Freemasons

More Proof Conspiracy Theorists Like Alex Jones Is An Idiot As Detroit Masonic Temple Goes To Tax Foreclosure Conspiracy theorists like radio host Alex Jones would like to make you believe that there are secret organizations like the Freemasons that are controlling your life like some real life version of the Matrix. Something happened in […]

Ed DeMarco

Ed DeMarco Cowered In His Bathroom Instead Of Telling Protesters, “Get Off My Lawn!”

It Appears Ed DeMarco Is No Clint Eastwood On Sunday, a group of 500 protesters from the National People’s Action converged in front of the home of Ed DeMarco, the Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. FHFA is the government agency established to oversee mortgage behemoths Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after they […]

Why Is The Obama Administration Provoking A Political War With Latino Homeowners?

Latino Homeowners Growing Angry As Taxpayer Owned Fannie Mae Plays “Three-Card Monty” With Modification Offers Steve Dibert and Robin Postell, MFI-Miami “He dreams that he must fight to obtain his dream, he dreams that there must be death in order to gain life. Antonio dreams and then he awakens…. Now he knows what to do […]

British Drug Expert Says Financial Crisis Caused By Bankers Strung Out On Cocaine

Former British Drug Czar Said Cocaine Created the Financial Crisis By Creating An Atmosphere Of Excitement And Drive   The former “Drug Czar” for the British government is claiming that the financial crisis was clearly caused by bankers over indulging in cocaine. Professor David Nutt, a psychiatrist and neuropsychopharmacologist specializing in the research of drugs that affect the brain and conditions such […]

CRA Housing Agencies

Its Time To Say Sayonara To Federally Funded CRA Housing Agencies

Federally Funded CRA Housing Agencies No Longer Serve A Purpose Except To Help Banks Illegally Displace Homeowners Okay, I’m just going to come out at say it. CRA housing agencies set up under the Community Reinvestment Act are a joke. They need to be tossed onto the ash heap of history. They need to relegated to […]

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