S&P Says U.S. Was Minutes From Falling Below Detroit In Bond Rating

S&P Says U.S. Was Minutes From Falling Below Detroit In Bond Rating Leah McGrath Goodman from Newsweek wrote a great piece about how the federal government’s rating on S&P would plummet. The Republicans caved and agreed to restore the government and extend the debt ceiling for a number of good reasons. The Democrats and the […]

Hey Congress, Governing Is Not Like An Episode Of Star Trek

You Are Not There To Play Star Trek’s Captain Kirk “Politics is Hollywood for ugly people” -Paul Begala Anyone who has ever watched the television show Star Trek more than few times knows the formula for a good Star Trek episode goes something like this, the crew of the Enterprises finds themselves in a predicament […]


HSBC Begins Scaling Back Operations In US

HSBC Sells U.S. Consumer, Homeowner Debt for $3.2 Billion Gavin Finch & Howard Mustoe of Bloomberg wrote a great piece about HSBC divesting in the U.S. banking market. They plan on selling the mortgage servicing portfolio and branches in major markets. HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA), Europe’s biggest bank by assets, agreed to sell a portfolio of U.S. consumer […]

Is America Experiencing A Coup d’Etat By The Fascist Puppet Masters of The Tea Party?

Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin & Rand Paul Are Only Tea Party Puppets Exploiting The Stupidity Of Their Followers   “A coup consists of the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder.” –Edward Luttwak, Coup d’Etat: A Practical Handbook […]

Steve Mnuchin

GOP Controlled Michigan Tax Commission Says Tax Man Can Enter Your Home Without Consent

GOP Controlled Michigan Tax Commission Threatens Homeowners With Increased Taxes If Access Denied “They should try to get inside every house so they can assure that the info on the (tax) card is correct.” -Kelli Sobel, executive director of the Michigan Tax Commission Municipalities across Michigan have begun demanding access to the inside of private homes […]

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