Warwick Valley Rotary Club Expels Member For Protesting Speaker Giving “STOP THE JEWS!” Presentation To The Club On Yom Kippur

The Warwick Valley Rotary Club appears to have stepped into a pile of deep trouble. The group has managed to piss off both Rotary International and the residents of the Warwick Valley at the same time.
Rotary Clubs aren’t known for causing near riots in their respected communities. So it is unheard of for a local Rotary club to turn a community into utter chaos.
Yet, the Warwick Valley Rotary Club has figured out a way to do it. Now the situation is getting ugly.
The leadership of the club thought it would be a great idea to invite local Jew basher Emily Convers to address the club on Yom Kippur. Convers leads the Jew bashing group United Monroe in neighboring Monroe Township.
This wasn’t exactly a great idea. As a result, the last several weeks have been downright ugly. Convers’ controversial political views have pitted neighbor against neighbor across the town of Warwick.
Emily Convers’ “STOP THE JEWS!” solicitation pitch also caught the attention of Rotary International headquarters in Illinois. Representatives from Rotary International were dispatched to Warwick to investigate all the controversy.
The situation has turned into pure pandemonium.
Now things are about to get worse for the Warwick Valley Rotary Club. The local club has taken the unprecedented step of expelling a member from the group in order to do damage control. However, the member, Paul Burfeind had nothing to do with creating the controversy.
Rotary Invites Leader of Area Cryptic Nazi Group To Solicit Money From Members

WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling and Roger Gibboni scheduled Emily Convers of the cryptic Nazi group United Monroe as a guest to the Warwick Valley Rotary Club on October 12th. As fate would have it, October 12th was also Yom Kippur. The holiest day in Judaism.
Emily Convers is known for her cryptic Nazi hate speech. She is also known for inspiring bigoted attacks on Jews. Convers’ rhetoric toward Hasidic Jews may have also inspired the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in Warwick the weekend before Yom Kippur.
The cryptic Nazi group is now facing an avalanche of legal debt. This debt is a result of a series of failed political campaigns and frivolous lawsuits. This cavalcade of failure has also caused donors to flee and contributions to fall by nearly 90%. United Monroe is now on the verge of insolvency.
Convers had hoped to solicit donations from Rotary members to bail out United Monroe. Taylor Sterling and Roger Gibboni were all too eager to help.
The Warwick Valley Rotary Club Expels Paul Burfeind

Rotarian Paul Burfeind was shocked when he was confronted by an unhinged Board Member Roger Gibboni. Gibboni accused Burfield of purposely undermining the integrity of the Warwick Valley Rotary Club. He accused Burfeind supplied MFI-Miami with the above picture of Convers. Yet, Gibboni had no evidence to support his histrionic claim.
For the record, I did not receive this picture from Paul Burfield contrary to what Roger Gibboni claims.
It is true that Burfeind took the picture. However, I received the picture from someone else who attended the meeting.
Gibboni’s accusations of Burfeind undermining the integrity of Rotary seem pretty farfetched and bizarre.
Furthermore, Burfeind is a two-time Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International. The Paul Harris Society recognizes members who generously give large donations to Rotary. Therefore, Burfeind would have no logical reason to undermine the Warwick Valley Rotary Club.
Gibboni originally accused Burfeind of poisoning the club with Anti-Semitism. However, he and the Rotary Board retracted this accusation when they realized the public wouldn’t buy it.
Gibboni’s bizarre accusations against Burfeind are just that and how he conjured up this claim is unknown. I wonder it was a bullshit excuse for him to cover his ass or if he may have come up after possibly sniffing industrial glue at his amplifier shop.
I suspect it came from Taylor Sterling. After all, she has an ax to grind with MFI-Miami. Sterling hates the fact that I repeatedly write about her psychotic Larry David style predicaments and her sociopathic behavior. Sterling’s behavior is a cross between Divine in Pink Flamingoes and Mommie Dearest. She also knows that Paul Burfeind is a friend of mine and of Dominick Sammarone.
The Warwick Valley Rotary Club Leaders Purposely Kept Emily Convers’ Presentation On The Down Low

Gibboni’s claims that Burfeind purposely undermined the integrity of the Warwick Valley Rotary Club are hogwash. Rotary International needs to examine Warwick Valley Rotary leadership.
National leadership also needs to examine any connections board members like Gibboni have to Nazi hate groups like United Monroe.
Rotary International allows members to take pictures of guests. Matter of fact, it’s done all the time.
Gibboni claims Burfeind taking a picture violated the Rotary 4-Way Test. This claim is crazy and makes absolutely no sense.
The Warwick Valley Rotary Club also promotes their weekly speaker with a press release and an ad in the Warwick Advertiser. Rotary members only knew about Convers’s appearance from an email by Gibboni.
It seems pretty obvious that Gibboni and the leadership of Warwick Rotary knew ahead of time the Convers invitation was highly controversial. They also knew Emily Convers’s invitation did not sit well with Warwick membership prior to the meeting. Nearly two-thirds of the Warwick Rotary expressed their displeasure and boycotted the October 12th meeting in protest.
The majority of those who boycotted the meeting informed the board ahead of time. Yet, the board still moved ahead with allowing Convers to speak even after threats of boycotts and the desecration of Temple Beth Shalom.
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