suspended lawyer bruce jacobs

Suspended Lawyer Busted Pressuring Former Clients For Money

Former Clients Of Suspended Lawyer Bruce Jacobs Accuse Him Of Pressuring Them To Pay Him Exorbitant Fees As An Expert Witness It appears suspended lawyer Bruce Jacobs’ ballyhooed foray into flipping distressed properties isn’t panning out. Jacobs’ former foreclosure clients are alleging that he is aggressively pressuring them to hire him as an Expert Witness […]

Florida Lawyer Bruce Jacobs

Foreclosure Lawyer Bruce Jacobs Sells Out To The Dark Side

Suspended Foreclosure Lawyer Bruce Jacobs Sells Out And Takes A Job With Bottom Feeding Property Investor Tony Stern Unsurprisingly, suspended bottom feeding foreclosure lawyer Bruce Jacobs has finally sold his soul. However, that is if you want to assume he ever had one. Jacobs has taken a job with Property Onion. Property Onion is operated […]

Economic Genocide

35,000 Detroit Properties Saved From Tax Auction

Temporary Reprieve From Tax Auction Doesn’t Solve Underlying Problem   As I wrote about last October, Detroit was facing a tax foreclosure epidemic this fall with nearly 62,000 properties heading to tax foreclosure due mostly to deadbeat or absentee landlords not paying property taxes. These landlords would have forced nearly 100,000 people into homelessness. It […]

Deadbeat Landlords

Deadbeat Landlords May Force 100,000+ Detroiters To Be Homeless

Detroit Could Have 100,000 More Homeless Strollin The Streets By Christmas 2015 Because Of Deadbeat Landlords 100,000 people could be homeless in Detroit thanks to deadbeat landlords. Nearly 15% of Detroit’s population could lose their properties if they don’t soon pay delinquent taxes according to an analysis by Loveland Technologies. Steve Neavling at the Motor […]

Foreclosure Victories

Detroit’s Dirt Cheap Homes. Truth Or Lie?

The Truth Doesn’t Fit The Narrative The City Wants You To Hear About Detroit’s Dirt Cheap Homes   From Buenos Aires to Quebec City and from Calcutta to Prague, people from around the world are gobbling up Detroit’s cheap real estate like Yukon gold speculators from the turn of the last century. This frenzied speculation […]

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