Ghetto Loans

MFI-Miami Featured In BBC Doc About Wells Fargo Ghetto Loans

BBC Crew Travels Around Baltimore Researching Wells Fargo Ghetto Loans This is a piece the BBC broadcast two years ago. It tells the story of how Wells Fargo preyed on African-Americans in Baltimore. Wells Fargo sold them high cost “Ghetto Loans. Yet, Wells Fargo underwriters knew these homeowners could qualify for better programs. One of […]


Are Democrats Doing More Harm To Homeowners Than The GOP?

Democrats Are Doing More Harm To Homeowners By Staying Silent And Sitting On Their Hands Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami I’ve been involved in Democratic Party politics on and off for most of my adult life and what amazes me about the majority of 21st century Democrats is that they have virtually no knowledge of the basic […]

judger michael haley

Is Judge Michael Haley A Kwame Kilpatrick Wannabe?

Judge Haley Is A White Kwame Kilpatrick. He’s An Example Of Corruption & Incompetency In Michigan 86th District Court Judge Michael Haley has a past that would make a sane person scratch their head and wonder how anyone in the jurisdiction of the 86th District Court would ever vote for someone this corrupt and incompetent. […]

mortgage activists

I Didn’t Realize MFI-Miami Was So Popular With Mortgage Activists

Mortgage Activists Can’t Get enough Of MFI-Miami I’ve written several articles about the army of mortgage activists that have sprung up in Florida. This is mainly due to people like Neil Garfield. Garfield, in my opinion, gives bad advice to homeowners. People like Garfield make homeowners believe that foreclosure defense is a “Do-It-Yourself” endeavor. I’m […]

MFI-Mod Squad

MFI-Mod Squad Launched to Bust Loan Modification Scams

MFI-Mod Squad Launched to Bust Foreclosure Rescue and Loan Modification Scams ICYMI National Mortgage News profiled MFI-Mod Squad. MFI-Mod Squad is a new project started by MFI-Miami. The project is designed to expose shady foreclosure rescue and loan modification scams. By James Comtois, National Mortgage News February 4, 2009 Steve Dibert, the founder of MFI-Miami […]

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