judger michael haley

Is Judge Michael Haley A Kwame Kilpatrick Wannabe?

Judge Haley Is A White Kwame Kilpatrick. He’s An Example Of Corruption & Incompetency In Michigan 86th District Court Judge Michael Haley has a past that would make a sane person scratch their head and wonder how anyone in the jurisdiction of the 86th District Court would ever vote for someone this corrupt and incompetent. […]

mortgage activists

I Didn’t Realize MFI-Miami Was So Popular With Mortgage Activists

Mortgage Activists Can’t Get enough Of MFI-Miami I’ve written several articles about the army of mortgage activists that have sprung up in Florida. This is mainly due to people like Neil Garfield. Garfield, in my opinion, gives bad advice to homeowners. People like Garfield make homeowners believe that foreclosure defense is a “Do-It-Yourself” endeavor. I’m […]

Ilsa Koch

She May Not Be Ilsa Koch, She-Wolf of the SS, But…

But Linda Orlans Is As Close As Detroit Can Get To Ilsa Koch, She-Wolf Of The SS I first came across Ilsa Koch wannabe Linda Orlans two years ago. Her firm tried unsuccessfully to kick an abused women with mental illness out of her home in western Massachusetts. Dealing with Linda Orlans is like dealing […]

Boston Globe

Two MFI-Miami Clients Make Front Page of the Boston Globe

Two MFI-Miami Clients Make Front Page of the Boston Globe Jenifer McKim of the Boston Globe profiled two MFI-Miami clients. In a jam, more skip mortgage payments Jenifer McKim, Boston Globe Tens of thousands of Massachusetts property owners are living in their homes without making mortgage payments as they fight foreclosure, plead with lenders for […]

Foreclosure Madness

Has Foreclosure Madness Turned Into Reefer Madness In Flori-duh?

Has Foreclosure Madness Has Gotten So Crazy It’s Like Everyone IS Hopped Up On Drugs Foreclosure madness has hit a fever pitch. I wrote a blog about how most homeowner advocacy sites are nothing more than marketing tools for law firms or are illegally soliciting money claiming to be non-profits. People went wild. Richard Zombeck […]

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