Socialist Bernie Sanders And His Pigsty DC House

Angry Neighbors Say DC Home Of Socialist Bernie Sanders Is A Pigsty And Bringing Down Property Values  Very few people knew deadbeat dad presidential candidate and self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders owned three houses.  That was until former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg pointed it out last week during the Nevada Democratic debate. Bloomberg said on nationwide […]


Communist Bernie Sanders Owns Three Houses. Not Bad For A “Socialist”

Communist Bernie Sanders Owns Three Houses With Two In Posh Neighborhoods. He Paid Cash For The Third. Communist Bernie Sanders is the present Democratic frontrunner for the 2020 Presidential election. However, capitalism and being an elected official seems to have paid off for the Vermont Senator.  He recently purchased a third home with his wife, […]

deadbeat dad bernie sanders

Deadbeat Dad Bernie Sanders Never Paid Child Support

Deadbeat Dad Bernie Sanders Never Paid Child Support! Sanders Let Vermont Taxpayers Feed And Clothe His Kid. The Early Years Of Deadbeat Dad Bernie Sanders  Deadbeat dad Bernie Sanders bought a piece of property in Vermont in 1964. He settled there full-time in 1968. Sanders’ first child, Levi Sanders, was born a year later to […]

comrade bernie

Comrade Bernie Proposes 25% House Flipping Tax

Communist Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders AKA Comrade Bernie Proposes 25% House Flipping Tax Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders aka Comrade Bernie unveiled a new plan that would throw the entire American housing sector into chaos.  Comrade Bernie wants to tax properties he deems as “flips” with a 25% tax. The self-described socialist believes a tax like […]

Senator Bernie Sanders

Senator Bernie Sanders Under FBI Investigation For Bank Fraud

Senator Bernie Sanders And His Wife Hire High Profile Lawyers In FBI Bank Fraud Investigation  Senator Bernie Sanders and his wife have hired prominent defense attorneys amid an FBI investigation into a loan Jane Sanders obtained to expand Burlington College while she was its president. MFI-Miami first wrote about Jane Sanders’ mismanagement of Burlington College in […]

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