Ghetto Loans

MFI-Miami Featured In BBC Doc About Wells Fargo Ghetto Loans

BBC Crew Travels Around Baltimore Researching Wells Fargo Ghetto Loans This is a piece the BBC broadcast two years ago. It tells the story of how Wells Fargo preyed on African-Americans in Baltimore. Wells Fargo sold them high cost “Ghetto Loans. Yet, Wells Fargo underwriters knew these homeowners could qualify for better programs. One of […]

Marshall Isaacs

More Questionable Docs By Marshall Isaacs Found From This Year

More Questionable Marshall Isaacs Found In Michigan MFI-Miami has found 9 new mortgage assignments allegedly signed by Marshall Isaacs from the law firm of Orlans Associates located in suburban Detroit.  What makes these mortgage assignments interesting is they were all allegedly signed by Marshall Isaacs between December, 2010 through April of 2011.  All of the […]

John Conyers

Is Congressman John Conyers Contributing to Detroit’s Economic Problems?

Congressman John Conyers’ Blighted Homes And His Trail  Of Blighted Properties And Unpaid Taxes  When I was a kid growing up in Detroit in the early 1970s, I remember hearing stories about John Conyers. My parents had friends who were cops in Detroit during the 1967 Riot. They would tell stories of how John Conyers […]

More Notary Problems Discovered At Orlans

Notary Problems Force RoD’s To Call For An Investigation Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Last week, I posted an article about how documents filed at Register of Deeds offices across Michigan by Orlans Associates, a multi-state Foreclosure Mill based in suburban Detroit, contained signatures of notaries that did not match their signatures on their applications on file with […]

MFI-Miami Profiled In The Michigan Messenger

MFI-Miami Featured In Article About Michigan Foreclosure Firm Implicated In Robo-Signing Todd Heywood, Michigan Messenger A Massachusetts county clerk says a forensic examination of documents filed by Troy-based Orlans Associates, one of the largest foreclosure firms in Michigan, shows that the company has engaged in illegal Robo-signing. Robo-signing is when a bank, mortgage company or foreclosure company […]

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