MFI-Miami Client

MFI-Miami Client From Northern Michigan Sues Bank of America and Its Attorneys

MFI-Miami Client Lynne Lucas From Northern Michigan Sues Bank of America and Orlans Associates Several months back I wrote an article about Lynne Lucas, an MFI-Miami client who had been put through a living nightmare by Bank of America when she attempted to negotiate a loan modification.  Last week, Ms. Lucas’s attorney, William Maxwell filed […]

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children Who Are Traumatized By The Situation Losing a home to foreclosure is a nightmare for adults, but for children it can take an emotional toll that lasts a lifetime. According to RealtyTrac, the number of U.S. homes taken over by banks jumped 35 percent in the first quarter […]

Bank of America

BofA Attempted To Take The Home Of An Elderly Couple

BofA Attempted To Take The Home OF An Elderly Handicapped Couple “They (banks) had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.” –FDR October 31, 1936 About a year […]

Florida Bankers

Florida Bankers Want To Eliminate Homeowners Right to a Judicial Foreclosure

Florida Bankers Want To Eliminate Homeowners Right to a Judicial Foreclosure To Speed Up Foreclosures In an attempt to circumvent a recent Florida Supreme Court order that requires banks to mediate a foreclosure dispute, Florida Bankers are attempting to ram through the Florida Legislature a bill that will convert Florida from a judicial foreclosure state […]

MFI-Miami report

MFI-Miami Report Persuades Judge to Deny Motion

MFI-Miami Report Persuades Judge to Deny Motion Filed By Foreclosure Mill Law Firm On March 25, 2010, Judge Stuart Simons of the 11th Circuit Court in Miami handed down a ruling in Wells Fargo v. Cirigliano (Case #08-288-46-CA10) dismissing Well Fargo’s Motion for Summary Judgment against MFI-Miami’s client John Cirigliano. The judge based his decision […]

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