oakland county circuit court

Queen Of The Oakland County Circuit Court Needs To Fire Her Script Writer

Queen Of The Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Martha Anderson Needs To Fire Her Script Writer It was quite the contest to find the inaugural recipient of the Home Wrecker of the Week but after watching this person wield the sword of justice like a chimpanzee trying to write a Shakespearian epic, there was absolutely […]

Quicken Loans Fraud

Does Quicken Loans Utilize The Li’l Bastard Brainwashing Kit?

The Quicken Loans Brainwashing Kit Makes Employees Say, “All Hail, Glorious Leader Of Quicken Loans” Back in the day when I originated loans in Metro Detroit, I had friends who worked at Quicken Loans and it was apparent they drank the special  Dan Gilbert flavored Kool-Aid. It got to the point where they would meet […]

Boston Globe

Two MFI-Miami Clients Make Front Page of the Boston Globe

Two MFI-Miami Clients Make Front Page of the Boston Globe Jenifer McKim of the Boston Globe profiled two MFI-Miami clients. In a jam, more skip mortgage payments Jenifer McKim, Boston Globe Tens of thousands of Massachusetts property owners are living in their homes without making mortgage payments as they fight foreclosure, plead with lenders for […]

Foreclosure Madness

Has Foreclosure Madness Turned Into Reefer Madness In Flori-duh?

Has Foreclosure Madness Has Gotten So Crazy It’s Like Everyone IS Hopped Up On Drugs Foreclosure madness has hit a fever pitch. I wrote a blog about how most homeowner advocacy sites are nothing more than marketing tools for law firms or are illegally soliciting money claiming to be non-profits. People went wild. Richard Zombeck […]

Foreclosure advocacy

Just Because A Website Claims To Be A Foreclosure Advocacy Site

Just Because A Website Claims To Be A Foreclosure Advocacy Site Does Not Mean It’s Looking Out For You I often get asked what I think about the foreclosure advocacy that has sprung up in recent years. I have to constantly warn people to be careful because although most of them have a “.org” domain, […]

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