Linda Orlans

MFI-Miami Client Spanks Linda Orlans

Linda Orlans Screws Up. Will Fannie Mae Have To Pay A Homeowner For Her Screw Up? Linda Orlans and Fannie Mae may be forced to pay a homeowner’s attorney fees. Judge Paul Stutesman in Michigan ruled that Fannie Mae lacked the legal standing to evict Robin Roberts from her home . Orlans Associates failed to disclose […]


Is NACA The Russian Romance Tour Operator Of Foreclosure Rescue?

NACA Pockets Millions From Taxpayers While Selling An Empty Sack Of Promises To Desperate Homeowners You have probably seen news stories about a Not-For-Profit group named NACA. Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America or NACA gets thousands of people to show up at their foreclosure rescue sessions. They have at different convention halls across the U.S. NACA […]

Fannie Mae

MFI-Miami Accuses Fannie Mae Of Illegally Foreclosing On Michigan School Teacher

MFI-Miami Accuses Fannie Mae Of Lack of Standing Flint, MI – On August 28, 2012, MFI-Miami President Steve Dibert called on Fannie Mae to halt what he alleges is an illegal foreclosure and eviction of Flint Michigan School Teacher Amy Plumb. On January 2, 2003, Ms. Plumb, a single parent with two teenage daughters refinanced […]

Yves Smith

Is Yves Smith Talking To The Hookah Smoking Caterpillar?

Now Yves Smith Endorses The Shady Practices Of A CRA Operator I have to wonder if Yves Smith is inhaling something toxic. Her latest article is even crazier than her last. Her last blog was a gushing endorsement of Lisa Epstein of Foreclosure Hamlet fame. Epstein ran unsuccessfully for Palm Beach County Clerk.  In that piece, […]

Deutsche Bank

Lisa Epstein Will You Please Go Now!

Foreclosure Gadfly Lisa Epstein Will You Please Go Now! Are you wondering what happened in the race for Palm County Clerk of the Court? The fine voters of Palm Beach County gave experienced public servant, Sharon Bock, a mandate. Bock received 86,957 votes (76.31%). They rejected foreclosure gadfly Lisa Epstein by only giving her 27,001 […]

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