Donations Came From Trott’s Employees, Politicians And Others Who Feed Off The David Trott Gravy Train Of Foreclosure Fraud
On Thursday, David Trott’s congressional campaign announced it has raised $425,000 in campaign donations from 270 individual contributors since the Trott announced his candidacy September 4th to unseat incumbent Kerry Bentivolio.

Trott claims none of the money was his but what he’s not saying is that the money came from the usual group of Republicans who feed from the Trott Gravy Train. Politicians who owe their political careers to the deep pockets of David Trott, the business partners and employees of Trott’s vast foreclosure empire gave Trott an average of $1500.
Trott’s empire consists of the Detroit Legal News and it’s sister publications throughout Michigan that advertise 80% of the foreclosures in Michigan, Greco Title and Seaver Title which he merged with Lawyers Title several years ago and the Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel Real Estate offices through out southeast Michigan.
Trott & Trott makes his foreclosure money by employing a system known as “Dual Tracking” in order to foreclose on a homeowner. Dual Tracking is where the foreclosure mill or mortgage servicer will convince the homeowner that they are working to keep them in their home while moving ahead with foreclosure proceedings. In other words it’s a “Bait and Switch” tactic.
Trott ran into some serious trouble last year when his firm was fired by JPMorgan Chase on a dual tracking case involving Jeff Reed, a retired Green Beret and his autistic son from Northern Michigan. Trott refused to honor a loan modification his firm negotiated on behalf of JPMorgan Chase and then began foreclosure proceeding against Jeff Reed. JPMorgan Chase fired Trott from the case when JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s was flooded with calls from international media about Trott’s rogue attempt to foreclose on an American hero.

Trott also stirred up international outrage two years ago when his firm callously and unmercifully evicted wheel chair bound 101-year old Texana Hollis from her home in the rain and left her on the curb with her possessions. Hollis was only able to move back into her home after novelist and sports writer Mitch Albom’s charity, S.A.Y. Detroit purchased the house from HUD and rehabilitated it to accommodate Mrs. Hollis’ wheel chair.
Trott’s campaign may not make it to the filing deadline of May of 2014 because media outlets across Southeast Michigan are looking for dirt on him.
MFI-Miami has been inundated with requests from media in Detroit for samples of robo-signing that we and others have allege go on in Trott’s law firm. Media outlets from southeastern Michigan have also sent Freedom of Information Act requests to the Michigan Attorney General about David Trott using his financial muscle and influence within the GOP along with $26,000 in campaign contribution to PACs affiliated with former skirt chasing Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox to get his wife Kappy Trott a high ranking job in the Michigan Attorney General’s office that she was not qualified for. Ironically, Cox’s cuckolded wife Laura, a Wayne County Commissioner, is Trott’s Campaign co-chair.
Kappy Trott still has her job at the Michigan Attorney General’s office under current Attorney General Bill Schuette thanks to nearly $40,000 given either directly or indirectly from David Trott, members of his family and employees of Trott & Trott and his affiliated companies to Bill Schuette’s campaign.
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