Could Fallout From The NYDFS Investigation Bankrupt OCWEN?

Could Fallout From The NYDFS Investigation Bankrupt OCWEN?

OCWEN Could Be In Serious Trouble If Other States Jump On NYDFS Investigation Bandwagon The backdated letter scandal that has rocked Ocwen Financial and caused it’s stock to lose over 30% of it’s value during the past several weeks is about to become even a bigger nightmare for Ocwen. The investigation that began by Benjamin […]


NYDFS Says OCWEN Began Back Dating Docs In 2010

Ocwen Sends Out Apology Letters Blaming It On A Software Glitch The backdated letter scandal that has rocked Ocwen Financial during the past week is about to become even a bigger nightmare for Ocwen as Benjamin Lawsky’s New York Department of Financial Services has no said that the backdated letters denying homeowners a chance to […]

Wells Fargo Sales Tactics

How To File Complaints Against Sterling National Bank

How To File Complaints Against Sterling National Bank With The FDIC & U.S. Treasury  Last week, I wrote an article about Sterling National Bank. I wrote about the bank’s use of intimidation, mob style collection tactics and their practice of liquidating accounts without their customer’s knowledge. As a result, the article must have hit a nerve on […]

Chris Christie

Should Sterling National Bank Be Re-Named “Soprano” National Bank?

Intimidation, Liquidation Of Accounts, Mob Style Collection Tactics Are The Everyday Practices Of Sterling National Bank  People want to think small town banks like Sterling National Bank are run by a sympathetic George Bailey types. Small community banks operate like the mafia. They have no problem using intimidation and thuggery to get what they want. […]

911 responder

The Home Of 911 Responder Saved

OCWEN And Deutsche Bank Settle Legal Claims With 911 Responder With Health Issues Another success for MFI-Miami as we stopped OCWEN and Deutsche Bank from taking the home of a 911 responder with Ocwen and Deutsche Bank settled all legal claims with MFI-Miami Client, James Campisi. About two weeks ago, I wrote about how James […]

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