wells fargo lending

Wells Fargo Lending Practices Show Jim Crow Is Still Alive

Wells Fargo Lending Practices Show Jim Crow Is Still Alive And Well At Wells Fargo Wells Fargo wants the public to believe Wells Fargo lending policies no longer discriminate against black people. Especially since the bank settled the plethora of Ghetto Loans lawsuits they faced. Cities across the United States accused Wells Fargo of conning […]

Wells Fargo Executives

The Cattiness Of Wells Fargo Executives Rivals The Ladies From Dynasty

Wells Fargo Executives Again Refuse To Release Documents To MFI-Miami Client Citing Negative Articles On MFI-Miami The finance world knows MFI-Miami’s principal job is to do whatever it takes to keep people in their homes. It’s not a big secret. Nor do I hide it. All the major lenders and servicing companies know it. They know […]

Wells Fargo Employee

Disabled Veteran And His Wife Sue Wells Fargo

Disabled Veteran And His Wife Claim Wells Fargo Violated A Contractual Guaranty Clause In Their VA Mortgage Disabled veteran Donald Manning and his wife have filed a lawsuit against Wells Fargo Bank NA. They claim Wells Fargo breached their mortgage contract by failing to provide pertinent details of the plaintiffs’ account. The Mannings also allege […]

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