Marshall Isaacs

Robo-Signing Firm Proclaims Supremacy In Title Clearing

Infamous Robo-Signing Firm With Ties To Scientology Claims To  Be The Largest Lien Release Vendor In The Mortgage Industry   Nationwide Title Clearing, the home of the robo-signing team of Bryan Bly, Crystal Moore, Dhurata Doko, who’s questionable signatures were used on thousands of affidavits and mortgage assignments across the U.S. to foreclose on people.  Bly, Doko and […]

Fox News Scientologist

Fox News Scientologist Blasts DOJ Deal

Fox News Scientologist Greta Van Susteren Goes Off About The DOJ Settlement W/ Banks Over Libor Rigging Watch the latest video at I normally don’t link to Fox for their news stories because as we all know the information Fox “News” puts on the air isn’t exactly news. However, there seems to be a […]


Banks Urge Investors To Buy For Profit Colleges Stocks

Finance Industry Expects GOP Controlled Congress To Loosen Lending Guidelines For For-Profit Colleges and Universities Republicans have taken complete control of the federal government’s legislative process. The first thing on the agenda is to attack government regulations protect students at For-Profit Colleges. The GOP plans to attack it with the zeal of a fat guy […]

student loan

Student Loan Debt Crisis Will Dwarf The Mortgage Crisis

This Is Why MFI-Miami Has Started Investigating Student Loan Debt In 2010, the New York Times ran a story about an Austrian guy who broke off his engagement with his American fiancee because of her $170,000 student loan debt. Americans expressed their “OMG! That’s horrible!” on social media. Americans then shrugged their shoulders and went back […]

The Editors At Inc. Magazine Must Be Smoking Some Wicked Ganja

Robosigning Firm With Ties To Scientology Wins Award By Inc. Magazine For Strengthening The Economy Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami In what can only be described as the biggest “Are you friggin’ stoned?” moment in American media since Leonard Nimoy sang, “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” on national television in 1967, Inc. Magazine has named the document processing […]

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