Marshall Isaacs

Robo-Signing Firm Proclaims Supremacy In Title Clearing

Infamous Robo-Signing Firm With Ties To Scientology Claims To  Be The Largest Lien Release Vendor In The Mortgage Industry   Nationwide Title Clearing, the home of the robo-signing team of Bryan Bly, Crystal Moore, Dhurata Doko, who’s questionable signatures were used on thousands of affidavits and mortgage assignments across the U.S. to foreclose on people.  Bly, Doko and […]

Florida Barbie Is A Puppet Of Deep Pocketed Lobbyists? Say Ain’t So!

With Less Than A week Before Her Re-Election, Florida Media Finally Makes A Big Deal About Florida Barbie Being A Puppet To Special Interest Groups With less than a week to go before the November election, the Miami Herald, one of the last major newspapers in Florida, is finally running a piece about Florida Attorney […]

The Editors At Inc. Magazine Must Be Smoking Some Wicked Ganja

Robosigning Firm With Ties To Scientology Wins Award By Inc. Magazine For Strengthening The Economy Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami In what can only be described as the biggest “Are you friggin’ stoned?” moment in American media since Leonard Nimoy sang, “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” on national television in 1967, Inc. Magazine has named the document processing […]

Bondi Gives Foreclosure Activist Movement CPR

So Why Is The Foreclosure Activist Movement Responding With Such Hysteria? Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami On Friday night, Kimberly Miller posted a piece on the Palm Beach Post’s website about how Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was officially closing the AG’s investigation of deceptive practices committed by Florida foreclosure mills.  An investigation started by her predecessor, Bill McCollum as a […]

Marshall Isaacs

More Questionable Docs By Marshall Isaacs Found From This Year

More Questionable Marshall Isaacs Found In Michigan MFI-Miami has found 9 new mortgage assignments allegedly signed by Marshall Isaacs from the law firm of Orlans Associates located in suburban Detroit.  What makes these mortgage assignments interesting is they were all allegedly signed by Marshall Isaacs between December, 2010 through April of 2011.  All of the […]

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