Payday Loan Scam

Payday Loan Scam Bilked Investors Out Of Millions

Miami Based Payday Loan Scam Bilked 500 Venezuelan-American Investors Out Of Millions Of Dollars The opererator of a Miami-based payday loan scam bilked hundreds of investors out of millions of dollars. The SEC alleges Efrain Betancourt Jr. repaid others with money he acquired from a Ponzi scheme. Federal investigators allege Betancourt  scammed 500 investors from […]

Bankster Wells Fargo To Muscle Bigger Share Of The Ghetto Loansharking Market

It’s Over For The Little Guy As Wells Fargo Begins Loansharking By Squeezing Out The Locals And Charging $225%-300% APR   “Ask a brother who’s been downsized if he’s getting any deal.  Oh, a brother can work in fast food if he can’t invent computer games but what we used to call America, that’s going […]

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