Another Example Of Why Michigan Can’t Compete In The 21 Century

Michigan Can’t Compete In The 21 Century And It’s Not Beause Of Labor Unions, Liberals Or Taxes   “The role of government is customer service, and our citizens are our customers,” -Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Over the weekend, a friend of mine in metropolitan Detroit asked me to help her form a Michigan Limited Liability […]

Broward County Passes Law Requiring HOAs To Give Rejection Letters

Seniors Who Make Up A Large Majority Of HOA Boards Complain Broward County Commissioners passed a new ordinance on Tuesday requiring condo, homeowner and cooperative associations to tell applicants in writing the reason they’re being denied the ability to rent or buy a home. Commissioners who favored the ordinance said they have receive quite a few complaints […]

Ellen Cogen Lipton

State Rep Ellen Cogen Lipton Wants To Muzzle Your Free Speech

Bill By Ellen Cogen Lipton Would Deny Access To Government Docs To Online News Services and Bloggers Michigan State Representative Ellen Cogen Lipton introduced a bill in the Michigan Legislature that narrowly defines the term “journalist” in FOIA requests. Her bill would limit public documents to anyone who works for a “newspaper or FCC-licensed radio or TV […]

GOP Sugar Daddy & Monty Burns Wannabe Thinks Former Alma Mater Is Full Of Commies

GOP Sugar Daddy Ron Weiser Needs To Go Back To School To Become A Little Wiser Deep pocketed former Michigan GOP puppet master and billionaire Ron Weiser went on a Tea Party Internet Radio Broadcast out of Texas to call the Board of Regents of his Alma Mater, the University of Michigan, a bunch of […]

Urban Spartacus

Detroit Lost An Urban Spartacus To Cancer Today

Detroit Urban Spartacus Kelly Parker Reminded Us Of What We Can Accomplish If We Stand Up And Fight   In the dystopian post-industrial ruins of Detroit where hundreds of thousands of people fight to survive, Urban Spartacus Kelly Parker rose above the poor timid souls that inhabit what was once the “Arsenal of Democracy” This […]

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