beat my foreclosure

MI Supreme Court To Hear JPM’s “Break The Chain” Appeal

JP Morgan Chase Wants MI Supreme Court To Decide If  “Operation of Law” Applies To Loans Acquired From The FDIC Last month, the MI Supreme Court accepted an appeal by JPMorgan Chase. The bank wants the Supreme Court to hear Kim v. J.P. Morgan Chase.   In January, the Michigan Court of Appeals shot down […]

Michigan Court of Appeals Lectures JPMorgan Chase

Michigan Court of Appeals Rules JPMorgan Chase Loans Acquired From The FDIC Must Be Recorded. The Michigan Court of Appeals handed down a second ruling about the chain of ownership regarding mortgages and notes. This ruling takes Davenport v. HSBC to the next level. The Justices called for a strict interpretation of a Michigan law. […]

Trott & Trott

MFI-Miami Finds Evidence Of Robo-signing At Trott & Trott

Will The Real Kenneth Kurel From Trott & Trott Please Stand Up! MFI-Miami has discovered 8 different and unique signatures for Kenneth Kurel (P58771) from foreclosure mill, Trott & Trott on file with four different Register of Deeds across Michigan. Kenneth Kurel is an attorney with the law firm of Trott & Trott. The foreclosure […]


Why Homeowners Shouldn’t Play Amateur Lawyer

Attention Homeowners: You Are Not Ben Matlock I like to keep up with homeowners who like to play Ben Matlock. So over Labor Day weekend, I discovered a series of “Notary Certificate of Protest and Judgement In Estoppel” filed with National Republic Registry in Texas which is a for-profit registry service (imagine a poor man’s MERS) […]

Marshall Isaacs

More Questionable Docs By Marshall Isaacs Found From This Year

More Questionable Marshall Isaacs Found In Michigan MFI-Miami has found 9 new mortgage assignments allegedly signed by Marshall Isaacs from the law firm of Orlans Associates located in suburban Detroit.  What makes these mortgage assignments interesting is they were all allegedly signed by Marshall Isaacs between December, 2010 through April of 2011.  All of the […]

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