Florida Barbie Is A Puppet Of Deep Pocketed Lobbyists? Say Ain’t So!

With Less Than A week Before Her Re-Election, Florida Media Finally Makes A Big Deal About Florida Barbie Being A Puppet To Special Interest Groups With less than a week to go before the November election, the Miami Herald, one of the last major newspapers in Florida, is finally running a piece about Florida Attorney […]

Bondi Gives Foreclosure Activist Movement CPR

So Why Is The Foreclosure Activist Movement Responding With Such Hysteria? Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami On Friday night, Kimberly Miller posted a piece on the Palm Beach Post’s website about how Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was officially closing the AG’s investigation of deceptive practices committed by Florida foreclosure mills.  An investigation started by her predecessor, Bill McCollum as a […]

Foreclosure Madness

Has Foreclosure Madness Turned Into Reefer Madness In Flori-duh?

Has Foreclosure Madness Has Gotten So Crazy It’s Like Everyone IS Hopped Up On Drugs Foreclosure madness has hit a fever pitch. I wrote a blog about how most homeowner advocacy sites are nothing more than marketing tools for law firms or are illegally soliciting money claiming to be non-profits. People went wild. Richard Zombeck […]

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