Substance Abuse Among Florida Lawyers

Substance Abuse Among Florida Lawyers Is At An All Time High

Substance Abuse Among Florida Lawyers Is At An All Time High! Has Your Attorney’s Integrity Been Compromised By Addiction? Substance abuse among Florida lawyers is on the rise. So, you need to ask yourself one big question. Is my lawyer high or drunk? There is a good possibility they are. Let’s be realistic. The legal profession […]

Attorney Bruce Jacobs And His Whackadoodle Filings

Florida Judges Take Aim at Attorney Bruce Jacobs And His Rambling And Insane 3,500-Page Filings Nova Southeastern University College of Law Legal Ethics Professor Bob Jarvis told recently, “(Attorney Bruce Jacobs) is going to get himself disbarred. If not now, then sometime in the future. He either refuses to practice law in the right […]

Florida Bar Wants

Florida Bar Wants To Ban Disciplinary Actions For Crooked Lawyers

Florida Bar Wants To Ban Disciplinary Actions Against Crooked State Lawyers And State Officers Who Are Bar Members The Florida Bar wants to pull a Vladimir Putin. They want to take away your right to have a fair and honest state government and judicial system. How? They want to usurp our rights as Americans to […]

Fort Lauderdale Bankruptcy Lawyer

Fort Lauderdale Bankruptcy Lawyer Busted For Stealing $625K

Fort Lauderdale Bankruptcy Lawyer George Castrataro Busted For Stealing $625K From Clients Fort Lauderdale bankruptcy lawyer George Castrataro was arrested Monday. Police charged Castrataro with grand theft and fraud. Prosecutors are accusing Castrataro of stealing $625,000 from his client’s estate accounts. Prosecutors allege Castrataro stole the inheritances of his clients and then spent the proceeds […]

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