foreclosure defense myths

Foreclosure Defense Myths That People Still Want To Believe

Foreclosure Defense Myths That People Want To Keep Believing Thanks To Pretender Savior Neil Garfield  I am constantly debunking a plethora of foreclosure defense myths from potential clients. Finance bloggers like myself have written over the past decade that these bizarre and inaccurate claims don’t work. Yet, they seem to persist thanks to pretender savior […]

land audit

Debunked Osceola Land Audit Goes To The U.S. DOJ

Congressman Alan Grayson Sends Convicted Felon Dave Krieger’s Debunked Osceola Land Audit To The DOJ For Review The debunked Osceola land audit done by convicted fraudster David Krieger headed for a criminal review by federal prosecutors. Foul mouth limousine liberal, Congressman Alan Grayson is leading the charge for Kreiger’s prosecution. Grayson likes to rant against […]

Gilbert Garcia Group

Gilbert Garcia Group Threatens County Over Krieger Report

Gilbert Garcia Group Alleges They Were Defamed In Garbage Osceola Land Audit Report Done By Convicted Fraudster Dave Krieger Foreclosure Mill Gilbert Garcia Group has threatened legal action against Osceola County, Florida for promoting and publicizing the Land Audit Report done by convicted anti-government fraudster and auther, David Krieger. In the report, Krieger makes unsubstantiated accusations […]

Phony Foreclosure Advocates

Phony Foreclosure Advocates Exposed

How Phony Foreclosure Advocates Like Dave Krieger and Neil Garfield Peddle False Hope And A False Sense Of Empowerment Dave Krieger and Neil Garfield are two of the phony foreclosure advocates in the US. David Krieger and his book, Clouded Titles and Neil Garfield and his Living Lies website peddle nothing more than Rich Dad/Poor Dad style self-help boilerplate garbage. […]

David Krieger's Clouded Titles

David Krieger’s Clouded Titles Creates Storm Clouds

David Krieger’s Clouded Titles Only Creates Storm Clouds For Homeowners David Krieger’s Clouded Titles is nothing more than Rich Dad/Poor Dad for foreclosure defense. Even if you set aside the overpowering stench of David Krieger’s conviction for mortgage fraud and the controversy surrounding the meaningless and utter garbage of a report he did in Osceola County, […]

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