It’s Time For Hate Mail Monday!

I Love The 1st Amendment and My Hate Mail Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami WOW! Did I get bombarded with drama and hate mail last week.   My article  about business owners demanding their employees vote for Mitt Romney generated some interesting responses from nutty right-wingers: “this article is written in great bias and Prejudiceadd taken out of […]

foreclosure mills

Foreclosure Mills Could Influence Suburban Detroit Clerk’s Race

This Race Could Boil Down To The Better Of Two Evils In A Battle Of The Foreclosure Mills Campaign finance reports are now available throughout Michigan. I’ve spent the better of the past nine hours looking at them. I thought I had my mind made up on regarding an endorse in one particular race. However, […]

foreclosure fraud operation

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Detroit Law Firm With Ties To MI GOP

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Multi-state Foreclosure Mill Orlans Associates. Linda Orlans Has Strong Ties To The MI GOP Several months ago, the major banks sounded the all-clear signal regarding robo-signing in non-judicial foreclosure states, namely Michigan and Massachusetts.  It appears those claims of non-exist robo-signing were either greatly exaggerated or were overly optimistic. MFi-Miami […]

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