Yves Smith

Is Yves Smith Talking To The Hookah Smoking Caterpillar?

Now Yves Smith Endorses The Shady Practices Of A CRA Operator I have to wonder if Yves Smith is inhaling something toxic. Her latest article is even crazier than her last. Her last blog was a gushing endorsement of Lisa Epstein of Foreclosure Hamlet fame. Epstein ran unsuccessfully for Palm Beach County Clerk.  In that piece, […]

Deutsche Bank

Lisa Epstein Will You Please Go Now!

Foreclosure Gadfly Lisa Epstein Will You Please Go Now! Are you wondering what happened in the race for Palm County Clerk of the Court? The fine voters of Palm Beach County gave experienced public servant, Sharon Bock, a mandate. Bock received 86,957 votes (76.31%). They rejected foreclosure gadfly Lisa Epstein by only giving her 27,001 […]

Yves Smith

Is Yves Smith At Naked Capitalism Sniffing Glue?

Yves Smith’s Plea For Votes For Lisa Epstein Puts A Serious Bite Into Her Credibility I’m a Palm Beach County resident. I refuse to take voting advice from Yves Smith. I’m voting for Sharon Bock for Clerk of the Courts. Why? For the simple fact I like experienced public servants. Besides, she has done nothing […]

banker indictments

Is The Lack Of Banker Indictments Because Of OJ Simpson?

Lack Of Banker Indictments Are Because The Government Is Afraid Of An OJ Simpson Style Trial Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Since I started MFI-Miami, I have heard from thousands of people who are appalled by the fact that no one has been convicted in the financial crisis for mortgage servicing fraud, robo-signing, filing false documents, foreclosure […]

JPMorgan Chase

Hey JPMorgan Chase, If You Keep Calling Me…

Hey JPMorgan Chase, If You Keep Calling Me, NASMBLA IS Going To Love You. Donations Seem Appropriate Given Chase’s History OF Financially Molesting People. An open letter to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon. April 3, 2012 Dear Jamie Dimon, I know you’re a busy guy like me, so I will make this letter short and […]

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