Steve Dibert

Steve Dibert was quoted in an awesome piece in Der Spiegel

If Deutsche Bank didn’t know who Steve Dibert was, they sure do now. MFI-Miami CEO Steve Dibert was quoted in a great piece in Der Spiegel about Deutsche Bank called America’s Foreclosure King: How the United States Became a PR Disaster for Deutsche Bank by two fantastic German journalists, Christoph Pauly and Thomas Schulz Steve Dibert […]

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children Who Are Traumatized By The Situation Losing a home to foreclosure is a nightmare for adults, but for children it can take an emotional toll that lasts a lifetime. According to RealtyTrac, the number of U.S. homes taken over by banks jumped 35 percent in the first quarter […]

Miami Foreclosure Defense

Loan auditors seek errors that may delay foreclosing

Loan auditors like Steve Dibert said it’s been tough getting documents from a lender. He has launched investigations involving Wachovia, Hudson City Savings Bank in New York and more than a dozen loan modification companies. By: Terry Sheridan Amid growing efforts to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, loan auditors are elbowing for a seat at […]


Auditors Help Owners At Risk Of Losing Their Homes

Auditors help owners at risk of losing their homes By: Jerry Kronenberg This is a reprint of a story in the Boston Herald by Jerry Kronenberg featuring MFI-Miami. The story was about how Loan Auditors help homeowners save their home. Update- When This article was written MFI-Miami was the only company investigating mortgage fraud on […]

Mortgage Electronic Registration System

Foreclosure Defense 101 Lesson 2: Mortgage Electronic Registration System

Foreclosure Defense 101 Lesson 2: Mortgage Electronic Registration System AKA MERS There’s been a lot of chatter on the web lately about the Mortgage Electronic Registration System aka MERS. The Mortgage Electronic Registration System and the role in note assignments and foreclosures.  Most of the chatter is coming from mortgage activists and amateur lawyers. They have just […]

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