Pennsylvania Couple

Pennsylvania Couple Accused Of Stealing $1.2M From Church

Pennsylvania Couple Accused Of Stealing $1.2M from Church For Walt Disney Vacations And Pittsburgh Pirates Tickets A trusted Pennsylvania church administrator and his wife are accused of stealing around $1.2 million from the church. The Pennsylvania couple used the cash on Disney vacations, sporting events, and restaurants, officials said. David Reiter had allegedly been stealing the […]

Rushmore Loan Management Helpline

Rushmore Loan Management Foreclosure Defense

The Only Rushmore Loan Management Foreclosure Defense Team That Delivers A Knock-Out Punch! MFI-Miami has created a foreclosure defense team exclusively for Rushmore Loan Management. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight Rushmore Loan Management in their foreclosure! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to […]

Fay Servicing

Fay Servicing Foreclosure Defense

Are You Armed With The Right Weapons To Take On Fay Servicing? MFI-Miami has created a foreclosure defense team exclusively for Fay Servicing. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight Fay Servicing!  We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge Fay Servicing. Our […]

fannie mae mortgage

Aggressive Fannie Mae Mortgage Foreclosure Defense

The Only Fannie Mae Mortgage Foreclosure Defense Team That Commands Results You may have a Fannie Mae Mortgage and not know it. Only someone properly trained in writing them can help you save your house from Fannie Mae. MFI-Miami has created an aggressive Fannie Mae Mortgage Foreclosure Defense Team. The team’s focus will focus solely […]

Planet Home Lending Foreclosure Defense That Wins!

Are You Armed With Enough Weapons To Take On Planet Home Lending? MFI-Miami has created a foreclosure defense team exclusively for Planet Home Lending. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight Planet Home Lending!  We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge Planet Home […]

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