John O'Brien

John O’Brien Takes On MERS and BofA In Epic Showdown

South Essex County Register of Deeds John O’Brien Takes On MERS and BofA In Epic Showdown The Registry of Deeds is usually a filled with a cross selection of members from financial geekdom. From amateur real estate speculators who have dreams of being the next Donald Trump to title abstractors and real estate appraiser.  It’s […]

MFI-Miami To File Bar Complaint Against Orlans Associates For Conspiracy and Fraud

MFI-Miami To File Bar Complaint Against Orlans Associates For Conspiracy and Fraud MFI-Miami, LLC, a mortgage fraud investigation company, announced today that on Thursday, April 7, 2011, it will be filing a complaint for Attorney Misconduct with the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission against three attorneys from the Troy, Michigan law firm of Orlans Associates.  Details […]

judger michael haley

Is Judge Michael Haley A Kwame Kilpatrick Wannabe?

Judge Haley Is A White Kwame Kilpatrick. He’s An Example Of Corruption & Incompetency In Michigan 86th District Court Judge Michael Haley has a past that would make a sane person scratch their head and wonder how anyone in the jurisdiction of the 86th District Court would ever vote for someone this corrupt and incompetent. […]

Ilsa Koch

She May Not Be Ilsa Koch, She-Wolf of the SS, But…

But Linda Orlans Is As Close As Detroit Can Get To Ilsa Koch, She-Wolf Of The SS I first came across Ilsa Koch wannabe Linda Orlans two years ago. Her firm tried unsuccessfully to kick an abused women with mental illness out of her home in western Massachusetts. Dealing with Linda Orlans is like dealing […]

Welcome to Café Orlans, Specials Are Perjury and Conspiracy

Welcome to Café Orlans, Specials Are Perjury and Conspiracy Prepared By Chef Marshall Isaacs. You Also Get Some Judicial Incompetence By Judge Martha Anderson For Dessert I’ve written a couple times about my client with the Small Cell Carcinoma who was jerked around by Bank of America about a loan modification and was then illegally […]

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