Bayview Loan Servicing

Bayview Loan Servicing Foreclosure Defense

Are You Armed With The Right Weapons To Take On Bayview Loan Servicing? MFI-Miami has created a foreclosure defense team exclusively for Bayview Loan Servicing. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight them! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge Bayview Loan […]

HECM Reverse Mortgage Rules

HECM Reverse Mortgage Rules

HECM Reverse Mortgage Rules Allow Non-Borrower Spouses Of Reverse Mortgage Borrowers To Remain In The Home FHA announced changes to its HECM Reverse Mortgage rules two years ago. Yet, many people are unaware that these changes in the HECM program allow non-borrowing spouses to stay in their homes after the last surviving borrower dies. FHA released new […]

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Has A Secret Panic Code For MFI-Miami

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Has A Secret Panic Code For MFI-Miami Foreclosure Clients It appears Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has a secret panic code assigned to MFI-Miami files. MFI-Miami servicing files get stamped with an “MFI” code when we request copies. I haven’t quite figured out what the “MFI” code means because we haven’t any issues getting […]

Gloria Crest Mansion

Gloria Crest Mansion Goes To Foreclosure Auction In New Jersey

The Gloria Crest Mansion Is Heading To Foreclosure Auction The Gloria Crest Mansion is one of New Jersey’s most expensive properties and it is now heading to foreclosure auction. The Italianate mansion in Englewood, New Jersey first went on the market for $39 million in 2013. The mansion is now heading to the auction block […]

Nationstar Mortgage

Why Is Nationstar Mortgage Scamming A 9/11 First Responder?

Nationstar Mortgage And A Bankster Law Firm Plan To Evict 9/11 First Responder After Illegally Foreclosing On Him Executives at Nationstar Mortgage like most Americans have probably never forgotten where they were the morning of September 11, 2001. The images of the jumbo jets flying into the Twin Towers are permanently etched in our minds. […]

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