Mayor Dave Bing

Meet Detroit’s Newest Deadbeat: Mayor Dave Bing

Mayor Dave Bing Defaults On City Loan And Leaves Major Eyesore For City To Clean Up In 2007, the automotive supply business owned by Detroit Mayor Dave Bing began to implode. Dave Bing had a great idea to save himself from financial ruin.  He was going to get a group of investors together and build […]

Kevyn Orr

Is Detroit’s New Emergency Financial Manager Kevyn Orr A Patsy?

MI Governor Snyder Is Either An Inept Leader Or A Master Of The Machiavellian Arts By Picking Kevyn Orr Okay, I admit, I don’t have a business degree from Harvard, Yale or even Wharton Business School but I do know how to spot when someone is being set up as a fall guy or as […]

Lotus Bank

White Executives Working For Lotus Bank Openly Berate Indian Bosses and Customers

Now Customers Are Suing Lotus Bank It appears three white bank executives who run Lotus Bank have gotten the bank sued for violating the civil rights of Jasit Takhar and Anil Gupta. They are two of Lotus Bank’s  Asian Indian customers. Working with them is like herding cats. And I hate cats. I will leave you […]

Black On White Racism Or Angry For Not Receiving A Bribe?

Wayne County Register of Deeds Bernie Youngblood Has A Serious Problem On His Hands  I have been writing about my friend Kelly Parker. Kelly Parker is a single mom from Detroit who is battling cancer. She is also battling the bureaucratic nightmare of Wayne County. Wayne County was trying to take her home. It was pretty […]

Detroit Firefighters

While Detroit Firefighters Battle An Arson Epidemic In A City Of Ruins…

Detroit Firefighters Forced To Fight Fires Antiquated Equipment While The City Spends $45 Million On Sidewalks Ramps To Nowhere The skyline of Detroit is silhouetted at night from the arson fires that plague the city. Brave Detroit firefighters battle fires around the clock with inadequate trucks and unsafe ladders. Detroit firefighters fight fires with holes in […]

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