
Millennials Are Eagerly Awaiting A Housing Crash

Millennials Are Eagerly Awaiting A Housing Crash In Order To Afford Homes For Them And Their Families Millennials are eagerly awaiting a for a housing crash in the US. The insane housing market has squeezed nearly 3 million millennials out of the market. This is due to an overinflated housing market and rising interest rates […]

surging mortgage rates

Surging Mortgage Rates Are Driving Away Home Buyers

Post Pandemic Surging Mortgage Rates Are Driving Home Buyers From The Market Causing Prices To Plummet Surging mortgage rates are making an already tough U.S. real estate market for prospective buyers even tougher. They have faced double-digit price increases and cutthroat competition for listed properties. Now they are facing another challenge of rising mortgage rates. […]

Existing Home Sales Plummet

Existing Home Sales Plummeted By 7.2 Percent

The National Association of Realtors Says Existing Home Sales  Plummet 7.2% For First Quarter 2022 Existing-home sales plummet by 7.2% this quarter according to the NAR. This continues a seesawing pattern of gains and declines since Christmas. The NAR is say that each of the four major U.S. regions saw sales fall in February. They […]

Truth Social

Truth Social Alert! Donald Trump’s New Twitter Ripoff A Major Flop!

Truth Social Has Flaccid Launch. Trump’s Heavily Promoted Twitter Knock Off Appears To Be A Failure Donald Trump’s Twitter knock off, Truth Social, is failing miserably and that’s not good news for him. Donald Trump was hoping to use it as a microphone like he did with Twitter as he weighs another run for the […]

Federal Open Market Committee

Federal Open Market Committee Raises Interest Rates

Federal Open Market Committee Raises Interest Rates As The Country Recovers From The Covid-19 Pandemic. Fed Plan 6 More Rate Increases The Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in four years. Thus, marking an end to the easy money that gave rise to the hottest mortgage […]

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