Axe murderers

Ax Murderers Rejoice As RE Agents Don’t Need To Disclose Murders

Pennslyvania RE Agents Have No Obligation To Disclose If Ax Murderers Killed Someone On The Property Ax murders are rejoicing over a ruling in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania court ruled listing agents are not required to disclose if someone dies in the home. In February 2006, Konstantinos Koumboulis allegedly shot his 34-year-old wife and then killed […]

Homeowner Tax Cut Extended In “Fiscal Cliff” Deal

Forgiven mortgage debt excluded from taxable income In Fiscal Cliff Deal Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Members of Congress actually did something to help distressed homeowners for a change.  As part of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 aka the “Fiscal Cliff” bill, distressed homeowners will not be required to include forgiven debt as part of their […]

Michigan Homeowners Face Stealth Tax Increase Thanks To A DINO And The GOP

Majority Of Michigan Homeowners Will Face Stealth Tax Increase With Lose Their Homestead Tax Credits In 2013 Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Back in the Spring of 2011, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder with help from his Republican friends in the state legislature and former DINO (Democrat-In-Name-Only) Michigan House Speaker turned State Treasurer, Andy Dillon, overhauled the way the […]

JPMorgan Chase

Michigan Supreme Court Rules $3.75 Billion Of JPMorgan Chase Held Mortgages Are Voidable

Court Rules Unrecorded Mortgages JPMorgan Chase Received Through The FDIC Receivership Of WaMu Are Voidable On the Friday before Christmas, while the media was focused on the funerals of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre and pre-Christmas retail sales figures, the Michigan Supreme Court quietly handed down a significant ruling that will affect nearly […]

Right Wing Elements Of The Michigan GOP May Have Been Behind Cyber Attack

Hey, Michigan GOP, Better Luck Next Time, Douche Bags! Steve Dibert, MFI-Miam If you tried accessing the MFI-Miami site earlier today, my apologies because the site was down. No, it wasn’t down for anything boring or mundane like maintenance.  The MFI-Miami site was apparently hit by a cyber attack that appears to have  originated in […]

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