
Bikini Babes On Facebook Could Be Bill Collectors

Debt Collectors Are Using Bikini Babes On Facebook To Collect Debts Debt Collectors are using social media sites like Facebook to get you pay your debts. They are using some pretty innovative ways to get you to disclose information. One common practice is to set up fake accounts. The fake person use pictures of internet […]

Tina Turner

Tina Turner Does To America What She Did To Ike…She Splits

Tina Turner To Become A Swiss Miss. Is It To Avoid Taxes? Tina Turner is renouncing her U.S. citizenship in order to become a citizen of Switzerland. Turner has been living on shores of Lake Zurich since 1995. Turner’s longtime partner, German record executive Erwin Bach, was transferred there. According to AP, Turner told German […]


This is Huge! 6th US District COA Rules Foreclosures Fall Under FDCPA

Says Foreclosure Mills Must Comply With FDCPA Using common sense and basic rules of statutory construction, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that foreclosures were indeed about the collection of money and therefore fall under the Federal Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) especially if the loan is a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan. In […]

Detroit Regional Chamber Of Commerce Rejects Ayn Rand Fantasy Island

Even An Amateur TV Critic’s Billionaire Husband Couldn’t Explain To The Detroit Regional Chamber Of CommerceHow It Would Benefit Detroit Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami About a week and half ago, several journalists and I from metro Detroit blogged about how a group of crazy billionaires from the Detroit suburbs proposed buying an island park located on the Detroit […]

Is Bank of America Driving Legitimate Firearm Dealers Out of Business?

MFI-Miami Is Getting Reports Of Bank of America Seizing The Bank Accounts Of Firearm Dealers A new and interesting twist has risen from the heated debate about guns in America since the Sandy Hook massacre. Bank of America has apparently been freezing the bank accounts of legitimate firearm dealers across the U.S. Joe Sirochman sent […]

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