On Monday The Dead Rabbi Was Wrongfully Foreclosed On

On Tuesday The Dead Rabbi’s POA Settles With US Bank The cool thing about owning MFI-Miami is that I get to work with some really smart litigators. These guys bring me interesting cases like banks foreclosing on dead rabbis.  They also think outside the box like I do.  If you are a regular reader, you […]

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Pushed A Man To Suicide Proceeds To Evicts Family 48 Hours Later

Wells Fargo Pushed A Man To Suicide Then Proceeds To Evicts Family 48 Hours After His Suicide And just like that, Wells Fargo pushed a man to suicide. Wells Fargo claimed that Norman and Oriane Rousseau had missed a mortgage payment. However, the payment HAD been made in person at a Wells Fargo branch by […]

foreclosure fraud operation

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Detroit Law Firm With Ties To MI GOP

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Multi-state Foreclosure Mill Orlans Associates. Linda Orlans Has Strong Ties To The MI GOP Several months ago, the major banks sounded the all-clear signal regarding robo-signing in non-judicial foreclosure states, namely Michigan and Massachusetts.  It appears those claims of non-exist robo-signing were either greatly exaggerated or were overly optimistic. MFi-Miami […]

BBC Interviews Beth Jacobson And Features An MFI-Miami Report

The BBC Did an Interview with Our Friend Beth Jacobson About A Case We Both Worked On Below is an interview Beth Jacobson and I did with Matthew Price with the BBC about Baltimore Ghetto Loans. Beth Jacobson worked for Wells Fargo – one of the largest banks in the US – for nine years. […]

Foreclosure Defense

MFI-Miami Investigates Illegal Foreclosures By Deutsche Bank

MFI-Miami Investigates Illegal Foreclosures By Deutsche Bank MIAMI–MFI-Miami, LLC announced today that it’s narrowing its multistate investigation into illegal foreclosures and is focusing exclusively on Deutsche Bank. “Deutsche Bank is named as the trustee on nearly 50 percent of the fraud investigations we have done in the past six months,” says Stephen Dibert, President of […]

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