Caliber Home Loans Management Will Do Business With Convicted Sex Predators But Shuns AIME Because Of Past CEO’s Sexist Comments

Caliber Home Loans management stated that it will continue the company’s suspension with the Association Independent Mortgage Experts. That suspension will continue until former CEO Anthony Casa is totally off the AIME’s payroll. Yet, Caliber Home Loans management doesn’t seem to have an issue doing business with convicted sex predators and kiddie porn peddlers.
Several weeks ago, Casa blasted out a video making comments about Quicken Loans EVP Austin Niemiec’s hairstylist wife. Casa stated that Theresa Niemiec performed oral sex on the CEO of a Quicken Loans rival.
Naturally, Casa’s video created a lot of noise in the industry. Everyone in the mortgage industry was up in arms over the video. Especially after Theresa Niemiec filed a frivolous lawsuit with the help of a high-powered Detroit law firm.
Several lenders suspended ties with AIME because of the video including Caliber Home Loans. As a result, Casa took a leave of absence from the group he created.
Caliber said in a statement to Housingwire that Casa taking a leave of absence is not enough:
Caliber had stated previously Casa’s comments in the videos is against everything Caliber stands for:
Caliber Home Loans Management Embraces Kiddie Porn Peddlers But Shuns AIME

It seems as if Caliber Home Loans is going out of its way to distance itself from AIME. Sure, Casa’s comments were unprofessional and catty. However, I know worse has come out of Quicken Loans owner Dan Gilbert’s mouth over the past 30 years. But, I digress.
Comments by Caliber Home Loans management about Casa and AIME are disingenuous and hypocritical. Why? Because Caliber Home Loans has a secret they don’t want publicly known. They have a history of selling private homeowner information to known sex predators and convicted kiddie porn peddlers.
Two years ago, I exposed ties between Caliber Home Loans management and Serenity Financial. Serenity Financial is a shadowy illegal loan modification company operated out of a Regus office in Orange County, California.
The state of California requires loan modification companies operating in California to be licensed by the California Department of Real Estate. It does not appear Serenity Financial Services has a license.
The National Registry of mortgage professionals has no listing for Serenity Financial in its national mortgage database. It also does not have an NLMS number. Hence, it is illegally negotiating loan modifications.
Additionally, it appears Serenity Financial is also not incorporated in California.
John Leyva Is A Convicted Peeping Tom And Kiddie Porn Peddler

I dug deeper to find more information about Serenity Financial. Serenity Financial is operated by convicted sex predator John Leyva. He is one sick and twisted individual. It is obvious that Leyva knows he’s operating illegally.
He went to great lengths to conceal his identity. Yet, Caliber Home Loans management keeps doing business with him by selling him private client information.
Worse, Caliber Home Loans has to know he’s operating illegally. They either didn’t do proper background checks or they simply don’t care. After all, money is money.
Leyva was convicted in 2011 for video recording a woman undressing in a Mission Viejo tanning salon.
According to Mission Viejo Patch:
Leyva is also a convicted sex offender. He has a long history of sex-related crimes. It seems like being a peeping tom is the least of Leyva’s offenses.
Leyva has a 17-year history involving kiddie porn.
Here’s a look at Leyva’s criminal history as recorded on the Orange County Superior Court website:
- John Leyva pleaded guilty to two felonies involving child pornography on May 30, 2000.
- On July 31, 2001, Leyva also pleaded guilty to child pornography possession and distribution.
- Leyva pleaded guilty to invading the privacy of another and vandalism on May 5, 2005.
- In January of 2007, he pleaded guilty to failing to register as a sex offender.
What’s worse? Anthony Casa making crude and unprofessional comments about Theresa Niemiec or doing business with sick and twisted sex predators.
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