Michigan Treasury

Michigan House Shakes Down Poor People To Fix Michigan’s Crumbling Roads

Michigan House Approves Diverting  $1.1B In Earned Income Tax Credits To Fix Michigan’s Crumbling Roads   Roughly 780,500 Michigan taxpayers who make below the poverty limit will see the $140 in tax credits they receive to help feed their families eliminated in order fund repairs to Michigan’s crumbling infrastructure. The 12-bill package, advanced to the Michigan […]

GOP Controlled Michigan Legislature Forces Kids To Walk Across Jimmy Rigged Freeway Overpasses

GOP Controlled Michigan Legislature Makes MDOT Use Chicken Wire & 2x4s For Handrails & Fencing   Some overpasses in Detroit are in such dreadful shape that MDOT has installed sheets of plywood between the beams to protect vehicles from falling concrete.” -Pat Shellenbarger, Bridge Magazine                 These pictures were […]

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