David Trott

It’s Official: Financial Terrorist David Trott Is Running For Congress

David Trott Attempted To Steal A Home From An American Hero And Treat A 101-Year Old Widow Like Trash Michigan Foreclosure King and Financial Terrorist David Trott who is also a major donor to the GOP has announced today he is running for the congress.  He intends to give current Tea Party Congressman Kerry Bentivolio a […]

Bankrupt Financial Guru Robert Kiyosaki Coming To Tell Gullible People How To Be Rich

Robert Kiyosaki Is Smart Because Oprah Says He Is Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series, is bringing his version of Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show to the South Florida on a two-day five stop tour to tell the masses of how to become rich in real estate. Yes, that’s right you can learn how […]

Andy Dillon

Is Andy Dillon Dragging Michigan Down With Him In His Losing Battle With Booze?

Andy Dillon Is Becoming An Embarrassment And It’s Time For Him To Go When Michigan Treasurer Andy Dillon was Speaker of the Michigan House, he had a legendary reputation of trying to impress shot girls and waitresses with his drinking prowess by slamming shots of Grey Goose at Sandy’s on the Beach and at Cinco […]

Detroit’s Financial Woes Are A Symptom Of Michigan’s Much Bigger Problem

Detroit’s Financial Woes Have Michigan Political Elites Accepting Failure As The #1 Option   “I see NOTHING! I know NOTHING!” -Sergeant Hans Schultz Since Detroit’s financial woes that have accumulated from 50 years of mismanagement and corruption caused it to officially file Chapter 9 bankruptcy last week every journalist and pundit has chimed in on the […]

Michigan Needs To Ban Adverse Possession Squatting Like Florida

Banning Adverse Possession Squatting In Detroit Would Make It Easier To Clean Up Late last year, a squatter named Andre “Loki Boy” Barbosa occupied a multi-million dollar home in Boca Raton, Florida claiming that the laws of Boca Raton and the United States didn’t apply to him. He and friends began posting notices on the front of the house […]

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