The Groupies Of Brother Neil Garfield’s Traveling Salvation Show Respond

The Shriek From The Groupies Of Brother Neil Garfield’s Traveling Salvation Show Is Deafening I received a lot of emails from groupies Of Brother Neil Garfield’s Traveling Salvation Show over the weekend and I posted all but one or two.  Most were from people who drank the Neil Garfield Magic Kool-Aid and couldn’t believe there were […]

BBC Interviews Beth Jacobson And Features An MFI-Miami Report

The BBC Did an Interview with Our Friend Beth Jacobson About A Case We Both Worked On Below is an interview Beth Jacobson and I did with Matthew Price with the BBC about Baltimore Ghetto Loans. Beth Jacobson worked for Wells Fargo – one of the largest banks in the US – for nine years. […]

Boston Herald

MFI-Miami was featured in the Boston Herald

MFI-Miami Was Featured In 2 Page Spread In The Boston Herald Jerry Kronenberg, Boston Herald Highlight: Mortgages Monday, November 24, 2008 Mary Everleigh nearly lost the house she’s owned since 1986 to a fast-talking financier – until Stephen Dibert combed through her mortgage papers and realized the woman had fallen for a scam. “Steve laid […]

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