The Groupies Of Brother Neil Garfield’s Traveling Salvation Show Respond

The Shriek From The Groupies Of Brother Neil Garfield’s Traveling Salvation Show Is Deafening I received a lot of emails from groupies Of Brother Neil Garfield’s Traveling Salvation Show over the weekend and I posted all but one or two.  Most were from people who drank the Neil Garfield Magic Kool-Aid and couldn’t believe there were […]

MFI-Miami report

MFI-Miami Report Persuades Judge to Deny Motion

MFI-Miami Report Persuades Judge to Deny Motion Filed By Foreclosure Mill Law Firm On March 25, 2010, Judge Stuart Simons of the 11th Circuit Court in Miami handed down a ruling in Wells Fargo v. Cirigliano (Case #08-288-46-CA10) dismissing Well Fargo’s Motion for Summary Judgment against MFI-Miami’s client John Cirigliano. The judge based his decision […]

BBC Interviews Beth Jacobson And Features An MFI-Miami Report

The BBC Did an Interview with Our Friend Beth Jacobson About A Case We Both Worked On Below is an interview Beth Jacobson and I did with Matthew Price with the BBC about Baltimore Ghetto Loans. Beth Jacobson worked for Wells Fargo – one of the largest banks in the US – for nine years. […]

CNBC Reporter Covers Steve Dibert

CNBC Reporter Diana Olick Wrote A Great Piece About MFI-Miami on Her CNBC Blog In the aftermath of the financial crisis, a new breed of scam artists has emerged. The financial landscape has been flooded with loan modification companies. The vast majority of these are scams. However, the government has been slow to move to […]

NY Real Estate

MFI-Miami was mentioned in a major NY Real Estate Website

MFI-Miami was mentioned in a major NY Real Estate Website The Real Deal On Tuesday afternoon and yesterday morning, I began getting calls from Long Island and the 5 boroughs that make up New York City. People kept telling me that they saw MFI-Miami on an NY Real Estate website. This isn’t uncommon but usually, […]

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