Fannie Mae

MFI-Miami Accuses Fannie Mae Of Illegally Foreclosing On Michigan School Teacher

MFI-Miami Accuses Fannie Mae Of Lack of Standing Flint, MI – On August 28, 2012, MFI-Miami President Steve Dibert called on Fannie Mae to halt what he alleges is an illegal foreclosure and eviction of Flint Michigan School Teacher Amy Plumb. On January 2, 2003, Ms. Plumb, a single parent with two teenage daughters refinanced […]

Yves Smith

Is Yves Smith Talking To The Hookah Smoking Caterpillar?

Now Yves Smith Endorses The Shady Practices Of A CRA Operator I have to wonder if Yves Smith is inhaling something toxic. Her latest article is even crazier than her last. Her last blog was a gushing endorsement of Lisa Epstein of Foreclosure Hamlet fame. Epstein ran unsuccessfully for Palm Beach County Clerk.  In that piece, […]

Yves Smith

Is Yves Smith At Naked Capitalism Sniffing Glue?

Yves Smith’s Plea For Votes For Lisa Epstein Puts A Serious Bite Into Her Credibility I’m a Palm Beach County resident. I refuse to take voting advice from Yves Smith. I’m voting for Sharon Bock for Clerk of the Courts. Why? For the simple fact I like experienced public servants. Besides, she has done nothing […]

The Fannie Mae Mortgage Shuffle

This is a side piece to the another Northern Express article By Patrick Sullivan that you can read here about A Client With A Fannie Mae Mortgage Here is what happened with the Bocardo’s mortgage when they bought their home: The Bocardos got their loan from Credit Suisse and the mortgage was assigned to Select […]

The Monster Of Fannie Mae In Rural America

THE MORTGAGE MONSTER OF FANNIE MAE: Family fights to keep their home This is the second of two stories about a family in Elk Rapids who encountered a mortgage modification scam artist and wound up on the brink of losing their home. Now they are fighting the mortgage monster of Fannie Mae. Last week, the […]

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