Plutocrats’ Dream Utopia Was Lifted From Family Guy

Do Billionaires Have Visions Of Doing Family Peter Griffin’s “Can’t Touch This” from Family Guy? Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami On Saturday, I posted a piece about how a group of Michigan billionaires who made their fortunes from being recipients of corporate welfare want to buy an island park on the Detroit River from the City of […]

Wells Fargo Mortgage

Is Wells Fargo Mortgage Run By The Catty Ladies From Dynasty?

Wells Fargo Mortgage Refuses To Release Docs To MFI-Miami Client, Cites Negative Articles On MFI-Miami My assistant called me the other day telling me that the Wells Fargo Mortgage customer service refused to release a client’s documents that we requested in order to complete our investigation. Before I get what happened next, here’s a hint […]

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