Banks Spied On MAGA

Banks Spied On MAGA Supporters For Feds Says GOP

GOP Says 13 Banks Spied On MAGA Supporters And Alleged January 6th Insurrectionists For Feds  Republicans in Congress allege 13 banks spied on MAGA supporters for the US government. They claim the government focused on January 6 insurrectionists looking for ‘extremism’ indicators. The House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Yes, that’s […]

japanese sugar baby

Japanese Sugar Baby Going To Prison For 9 Years

Japanese Court Sentences Japanese Sugar Baby To 9 Years In Prison For Defrauding 3 Men Out Over $1 Million  A court in Nagoya, Japan has handed a 25-year-old Japanese sugar baby a nine-year prison sentence. Prosecutors alleged Watanabe Mai met men on dating apps. She then defrauded them out of more than 155,263 million Yen […]

former HGTV reality star

Former HGTV Reality Star Mr. Flip It Is Going To Prison

Court Sentences Former HGTV Reality Star Mr. Flip It To 4 Years In Prison. Judge Also Orders Him To Pay $10 MILLION To 11 Victims  A California judge has sentenced former HGTV star to Todd Hill to four years in prison for multiple counts of fraud. The court also ordered Todd Hill aka Mr. Flip […]

bank of america profits

Bank of America Profits Plummet 18 Percent In Q1

Bank of America Profits Plummeted 18% In The First Quarter Of 2024 Due To Customer Credit Card Delinquencies Bank of America’s quarterly report has bad news and it could be signs of a weakening economy. Financial statements indicate Bank of America profits plummeted 18% for the first quarter of this year. The company was forced […]

fintech company

Fintech Company Accused Of Being A Housing Cartel

Fintech Company RealPage Accused Of Being A Housing Cartel That Drives Up Rental Prices Across The USA Plaintiffs in a lawsuit say Texas based fintech company RealPage allegedly created a ‘rental cartel.’  The rental cartel enabled landlords across the US to artificially drive up rental prices. Property management firms nationwide use the software sold by […]

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