Why Is David Trott Committing A Rogue Foreclosure Against A Former Green Beret?

Foreclosure Mill Operator David Trott Appears To Be Committing A Rogue Foreclosure Against A Former Green Beret Traverse City/Detroit – On November 15, 2012, Steve Dibert, President of MFI-Miami, an internationally recognized leader in investigating mortgage fraud called on Detroit based foreclosure mill operator, David Trott to end what MFI-Miami believes to be a rogue […]

Wells Fargo Whistleblower

I Don’t Hang Up On Bill Collectors, They Hang Up On Me!

With Bill Collectors, It’s All About Having The Psychological Edge Are pesky bill collectors bothering you? Are they bothering you at all hours of the day? Do bill collectors call you on your cell phone while you’re coaching your kid’s soccer game? Do annoying bill collectors bother you will you and the wife are having marital relations? Are […]

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Pushed A Man To Suicide Proceeds To Evicts Family 48 Hours Later

Wells Fargo Pushed A Man To Suicide Then Proceeds To Evicts Family 48 Hours After His Suicide And just like that, Wells Fargo pushed a man to suicide. Wells Fargo claimed that Norman and Oriane Rousseau had missed a mortgage payment. However, the payment HAD been made in person at a Wells Fargo branch by […]

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children

How To Explain Foreclosure To Your Children Who Are Traumatized By The Situation Losing a home to foreclosure is a nightmare for adults, but for children it can take an emotional toll that lasts a lifetime. According to RealtyTrac, the number of U.S. homes taken over by banks jumped 35 percent in the first quarter […]

MFI-Miami Was Quoted

MFI-Miami Was Quoted In Mortgage Daily

Steve Dibert From MFI-Miami Was Quoted In Mortgage Daily. The quotes are in boldface  Recent loan modification activity Two organizations praised improvements to modification programs for conforming and government-insured loans. Two other firms are warning about the modification process and its players. Two service providers are offering products to help make the modification process easier […]

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