Majestic Home Loan Legacy

The Majestic Home Loan Legacy Issue That Caused It’s Collapse

The Majestic Home Loan Legacy Issue That Caused It’s Collapse Was Due To Late Owner’s Inexperienced Son When Majestic Home Loan has abruptly closed last month the company was pretty tight lipped about the cause. All the company said was it was a legacy issue. What was the mysterious and unspoken Majestic Home Loan legacy […]

age discrimination

Age Discrimination In Lending Appears To Be Skyrocketing

Study Shows Age Discrimination In Lending Appears To Skyrocket. Why Are Lenders Giving Older Borrowers The Shaft? It appears mortgage lenders are giving older Americans the shaft. A new study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College shows age discrimination by mortgage lenders is skyrocketing. The study is called, “Are Older Mortgage Applicants […]

Brooklyn Credit Counseling Operator Indicted

Brooklyn Credit Counseling Operator Indicted For Defrauding Russian Immigrants And Spending Money On Luxury Goods Federal authorities have indicted Brooklyn credit counseling operator Marat Lerner. Prosecutors indicted Lerner on eight counts of fraud. They charged Lerner with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud. In addition, they also charged him with money laundering. Lerner […]

majestic home loan

Majestic Home Loan Abruptly Shuts Down

California Based Wholesale Lender Majestic Home Loan Reportedly Shut Their Doors On January 31st. Posts on social media say RMK Financial who does business as Majestic Home Loan has abruptly closed. Former AEs say the wholesale mortgage lender had to close their business due to a legacy issue. Another former AE posted a similar comment […]

Foreclosure Activity Rose

Foreclosure Activity Rose In January

Foreclosure Activity Rose In January For 21st Straight Month! Is The US Heading Into Another Housing Nightmare? Foreclosure activity rose in January and it’s not a good sign. This is also the 21st month foreclosure activity has been on the rise. ATTOM is reporting the number of foreclosure filings increased 2% in January from December. […]

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