Foreclosure Fraud

MFI-Miami’s Multi-state Foreclosure Fraud Investigation Is Getting Attention

Multi-state Foreclosure Fraud Investigation By MFI-Miami Is Getting Media Attention MFI-Miami has been getting a lot of attention the past few days about the post-foreclosure fraud investigation I’m launching in 6 states. Channel 6 in Orlando is doing a feature on one of my clients.  I have also done interviews with major newspapers and banking industry publications. MFI-Miami also […]

NY Real Estate

MFI-Miami was mentioned in a major NY Real Estate Website

MFI-Miami was mentioned in a major NY Real Estate Website The Real Deal On Tuesday afternoon and yesterday morning, I began getting calls from Long Island and the 5 boroughs that make up New York City. People kept telling me that they saw MFI-Miami on an NY Real Estate website. This isn’t uncommon but usually, […]

MFI-Miami Was Quoted

MFI-Miami Was Quoted In Mortgage Daily

Steve Dibert From MFI-Miami Was Quoted In Mortgage Daily. The quotes are in boldface  Recent loan modification activity Two organizations praised improvements to modification programs for conforming and government-insured loans. Two other firms are warning about the modification process and its players. Two service providers are offering products to help make the modification process easier […]

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