Palm Beach Attorney Michael Thomas Dolce Is Going To Prison For Downloading Kiddie Porn. Dolce Pleaded Guilty In October.

Palm Beach attorney Michael Thomas Dolce pleaded guilty in federal court to possessing Kiddie Porn in Octomber. The FBI and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office raided Dolce’s apartment in March 15, 2023.
According to court documents, they knocked on the door of Dolce’s West Palm Beach apartment. FBI agents identified themselves and ordered him to come out. Dolce didn’t respond. As a result, agents forcefully breached the door.
Agents discovered Dolce actively downloading child porn to his Samsung laptop. FBI Agents also found 1,997 photos and five videos depicting kiddie porn. In addition, law enforcement said Dolce was in possession of several dozen photos of prepubescent girls. The girls as long as 5-years old were in varying states of undress.
Dolce was a partner at Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll, PLLC in Palm Beach Gardens. Ironically, he led the law firm’s Sexual Abuse, Sex Trafficking, and Domestic Violence team according to his now deleted profile on the firm’s website.
The firm fired Dolce shortly after his arrest.
A law firm spokesperson told the media:
In October, Dolce pleaded guilty to a charge of sexual exploitation and other abuse of children.
Immediately after pleading guilty, Dolce submitted a Petition for Disciplinary Revocation with the Florida Bar. The Florida Supreme Court granted the request on November 22, 2023. Oddly enough, Dolce lists the Palm Beach County Jail as his law firm address.
How Much In Prison Will The Palm Beach Attorney Get?
As a result of his guilty plea, Dolce also admitted to downloading child pornography to his personal laptop at his West Palm Beach apartment.
Sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 18 at 10:30 a.m. before U.S. District Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks. Dolce faces up to 20 years in prison, lifetime supervised release, and payment of restitution to his victims.
U.S. District Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks sentenced Dolce to 48 months in federal prison. The judge also ruled that Dolce have 15 years of supervised release after serving his time.
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