FL Foreclosure Defense Lawyer Bruce Jacobs Faces Potential Disbarment For Continually Trash Talking The Florida Judiciary
FL foreclosure defense lawyer Bruce Jacobs could be finding a new career soon. The Florida Bar is in the process of disciplining Jacobs again. However, this time it looks like he’s facing possible disbarment.
Judges are fed up with Jacobs’ behavior. He repeatedly bad mouths the integrity of the Florida judges and the judicial system.
The Bar complaint stems from comments Jacobs made after an appellate ruling against his client in 2018.
The 3rd DCA affirmed the trial court’s ruling. As a result, the court allowed HSBC to proceed with a foreclosure against his client’s property.
The judges became irate after Jacobs lashed out in a motion for rehearing and rehearing en banc after they ruled against his client. Jacobs represented Aquasol Condominium Association in HSBC v. Aquasol.
He opined in his motion that the 3rd DCA’s opinion, “misstates the underlying the legal issues.”
Jacobs trashed the ruling. He wrote a diatribe of a motion requesting a rehearing. The Appellate Judges described it as:
As a result, the appellate judges slapped Jacobs with a sanction. They accused Jacobs of violating Bar rules. The court stated Jacobs violated the rule prohibiting:
Impugning the qualifications or integrity of the judges of this court and of the trial court.
FL Foreclosure Defense Lawyer Bruce Jacobs Can’t Control Himself
Apparently, Bruce Jacobs didn’t learn his lesson after being sanctioned by the court. Jacobs again attacked the integrity of the court in Bank of America, N.A., v. Ryan Atkin.
Jacobs wrote in his response to the 3rd DCA about the Circuit Court Judge:
- The impartiality of this Court is objectively questioned and it cannot issue a ruling with integrity in this case.
- A named circuit court judge acted with “blatant disregard for the rule of law and the client’s constitutional rights” in an unrelated case and was upheld by this Court.
- The same circuit court judge has “recently escalated her illegal conduct.
- A different, unnamed circuit court judge changed a favorable ruling because opposing counsel “threw a fundraiser for the new judge who rotated into the division.”
But, Wait! There’s More!
Jacobs went on to also make more disparaging and reckless comments regarding the judges of the Third District Court of Appeal. He also attacked the justices of the Florida Supreme Court. In an a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court, Jacobs also wrote:
- This Court “attempt[ed] to cover up, protect, and ignore well- documented fraud on the court in foreclosures. All to ensure a pre- determined result – foreclosure.
- The Third DCA’s Opinion is pretextual and arbitrary.
- This Court is called on to act because the Florida Supreme Court has taken no action to prevent the Third DCA from improperly ignoring fraudulent conduct in foreclosures.
- It is objectively reasonable to fear the Third DCA acted to reach a predetermined outcome that favors banks over homeowners – foreclosure. If the Florida Supreme Court will not act, this Court must.
- Democracy will not fail if financial institutions are held to the rule of law. To the contrary, democracy falls if the public is allowed to believe Courts are biased in favor of bad corporate citizens and a fraudulent foreclosure process.
As a result, the 3rd DCA wasn’t happy with Jacobs’ encore of insults. The court issued an Order to Show Cause requiring Jacobs to address why the court should not impose sanctions against him for violations of both the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure and Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.
As a result, the judges forwarded a bar complaint to the Florida Bar.
FL Foreclosure Defense Lawyer Bruce Jacobs Also Pisses Off Miami Judge

Jacobs also managed to piss off 11th Circuit Court Judge Michael Hanzman in Miami. This in it’s self is an accomplishment.
Judge Hanzman is a pretty level headed and one of the fairest judges in Miami-Dade. However, you better be able to support your arguments or he’ll rule against you. It’s pretty common sense stuff.
In 2019, Jacobs filed a motion to have Hanzman recused from a foreclosure case. Apparently, Jacobs didn’t like a ruling Hanzman made on his foreclosure case.
So, Jacobs filed a motion to have Hanzman recused from the case. Jacabs filed his motion with disparaging comments about Hanzman and the Florida Judiciary.
As a result, Hanzman followed the 3rd DCA’s lead. He also filed a bar complaint against Jacobs.
Judge Hanzman alleged that Jacobs made the following unprofessional comments in his brief:
- Judge Hanzman refused to respect the notice of unavailability and his office advised the hearing was still scheduled to move forward at this juncture. This is the latest of a series of improper actions by Judge Hanzman that gives rise to Mr. Atkin’s objectively reasonable fears that he will not be given a fair hearing in this court.
- Judge Hanzman Has Repeatedly Ignored Obvious Fraud on the Court by Large Financial Institutions in Foreclosures While Abusing His Power to Chill Defense Counsel’s Zealous Advocacy Against Those Financial Institutions.
- Judge Hanzman has made repeated statements on the record and off the record that reflect his indifference to large financial institutions presenting false evidence to the court to obtain the equitable relief of foreclosure. His personal finances appear to be heavily invested in the financial services sector which gives Mr. Atkin a reasonable fear Judge Hanzman will not be fair and impartial because it will negatively impact his significant personal financial holdings.
- Here, this Honorable Court has allowed the most rich and powerful segment of our society, the financial sector in which he is personally heavily invested in, to engage in felony misconduct and walk away without any punishment in violation of the Judicial Canons and the rule of law. The Court was “unimpressed” with these allegations of felony misconduct based on a prior foreclosure trial that involved entirely different misconduct which the Court similarly excused.
Is FL Foreclosure Defense Lawyer Bruce Jacobs An Idiot?
Bruce Jacobs began his campaign of trash talking judges in 2018. This was about the same time Mark Stopa was being disbarred for doing the same thing.
The only difference is Stopa’s sociopathic behavior and anger management problems. Jacobs also doesn’t have Stopa’s skills when it comes to doing research and writing briefs.
Yet, Jacobs failed to heed the lessons of Mark Stopa. You don’t attack judges by calling them corrupt.
Jacobs should know you can’t do that as a lawyer.
If Jacobs was paying attention, you would think he would have stopped attacking judges. The 3rd DCA sanction should have been a wake up call for Jacobs.
Yet, it wasn’t. He kept doing it. Finally. the judiciary had enough of his boorish behavior and decided to drum him out of the legal profession.
Now, he’s going to end up a disbarred attorney like Stopa.
Former clients of Jacobs also tell us they fired him for a plethora of reasons. They claim he collected money from them every month and did nothing but kick the can down the road.
In several cases, he filed motion after court deadlines. However, the biggest complaint from former clients was that that Jacobs never returned phone calls or emails.
Read the complaint below:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://mfi-miami.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/11.3.2020.The-Florida-Bar-v.-Jacobs.pdf” title=”11.3.2020.The Florida Bar v. Jacobs”]
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