Suntrust Bank Employee To Spend 2 Years Clutching Soap In Prison For Stealing $171,000 From Elderly Bank Customer

suntrust bank employeeFederal Judge Carlos E. Mendoza sentenced a Suntrust Bank employee to 23 months in federal prison. Reginald Green II had been charged with stealing $171,000 of a customer’s funds. A jury had found Green guilty in December of last year.

The SunTrust Bank employee stole more than $171,000 from a bank customer. Green withdrew more funds then the bank client had authorized. Green then directed the extra funds into several different bank accounts that he controlled.

He used the stolen funds to pay down his own mortgage and auto loans. Asa result, SunTrust immediately fired Green in April 2018 after discovering the theft. The bank also reimbursed the customer for the stolen funds.

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